Radish Seeds Mooli 'Mino Early' by Mr Fothergill's
Easy to grow, large radish. Long, white roots with a mild flavour and crunchy texture.
Great for stir-fries or use grated raw in salads. Excellent source of vitamin C and fibre.
Cooking Tip: Eat raw grated in salads or sliced and sprinkled with salt as an appetiser.
Or, try stir-fried with fresh ginger and sugar snap peas.
Growing Instructions
Outdoors, sow thinly, May-August, where they are to crop, 1.5cm (½") deep, directly into finely-prepared,
well-drained, fertile soil, which has already been watered. Allow 30cm (1') between rows.
Seedlings usually appear in 7-14 days. Keep moist, as dry conditions may cause roots to toughen.
Thin plants to 15cm (6") apart. Cloche protection in autumn can extend the harvest season.
Harvest: August-November. Harvest alternate roots, allowing others to mature fully, up to 35cm (14") long.
Approximately 150 Seeds Per Packet